SA-X story

 You had been on this research station for days now, looking outside of the windows into the dark abyss of space the station was tumbling through with the stars being brighter than the lights inside of it as you looked across the camera to see the emptiness of the blood-covered halls as you thought about what had occurred a few days back. You had been attacked by pirates for scientific information on a project the station was assigned to, the pirates stealing the information and massacring all of the researchers in a variety of gory ways and scavenging anything you could use to escape for parts. You had only survived by hiding in a space between the maintenance wires and the metal flooring, the pirates murdering people right over you before you could ensure you were safe and that you could escape, managing to get over to the headquarters before sending out a distress call so that someone could come and rescue you from the battered station.

Your hope was quickly dwindling as you waited for the next few days for someone to arrive with the only thing that you were doing in the meantime was dumping the corpses into the morgue and trying to fix the station. Those repairs weren’t going so well as the main power generator had been wrecked for two days with the secondary power generator barely being able to keep one half of the station within the lights flickering on occasion. You had no idea if the distress call even managed to get out since no response had been received due to the ship’s secondary power not being enough to receive calls but being enough to send them with you hoping that something would show up as you looked into the stars.

You would look across the stars, the shining lights moving across the dark and being your only source of entertainment with you seeing the occasional asteroid or moon move by the lights before it went back displaying the stars in all its glory. You would look around them and watch them flare across the window and your eyes as you focused on a light at the edge of the stars. You looked at one of the stars and saw that it seemed to be moving around in the air and getting bigger, your heart skipping a beat as you realised that it was coming towards you, moving over to the window to see a clean if somewhat damaged ship moves towards your station, shouting in relief as you moved over to the camera on the docking bay.

Your relief would only increase as the hatch opened, the entrance seeming to be painted in a red substance as a very familiar orange suited woman came out of touch with the floor. It was Samus Aran, bounty hunter for the Galactic Federation that your research base belonged to, with you quickly unlocking the door to let her in, her orange suit looking like a blur across the bad quality of the cameras. She would walk through the door without even uttering a word, the woman beginning to move up the corridor to you as you decided to sit back and relax, breathing out a sigh of relief as you looked at the cameras, looking around for a moment before looking at the docks cameras to see something odd.

It was another ship, a bright orange craft with a green screen being on the front of it and being shaped like a UFO, the ship quickly touching down in the docking bay and opening its cockpit door with you being surprised about who came out of it. It was Samus Aran again, the same orange suit hopping out of the craft and beginning to walk out of the door with you trying to figure out what to do before you realised something. The Samus you had just let onto the ship wasn’t Samus Aran but something else in a similar suit, your blood running cold as you flicked through the cameras trying to figure out where the Samus double was, eventually finding her in the hallway just outside of the observation deck you were on.

You would move your hand to the controls and try to reroute the power to the blast doors of the deck, trying to get some shut before you saw the power begin to route, sitting in your seat whilst stewing in anticipation. The power bar would move slowly across the facility as the lights began to flash and flicker around in the air before the power got to the door proper. Within a second you heard the door slam shut and the lock made sure the door was sealed, guaranteeing that nothing could get through it as you let out a sigh of relief and sat down again only for your hairs to stand up on end when you realised those loud footsteps began to echo out behind you as you turned your head to the corridor.

You could see a bright green visor moving slowly towards you, the orange armour being shrouded in darkness with you moving to the door of the deck to try and shut it, the door hitting as she got closer and closer.  You would step away from the door as you heard the footsteps stop in their tracks before you heard something charging behind it, a blue light moving through the cracks. Suddenly a flash of bright blue shot out across the air as the door lock came flying out of the door and hitting the ground, smearing ash across the floor as you looked up to see two pairs of hands grabbing ahold of the door and swinging it wide open, walking into the flashing lights of the room that gave you a better look of her form.

Her armour was bulky yet had the curves of a woman being obvious, the red and yellow plating moving around her chest with two orange shoulder plates placed onto her shoulders, a pair of bumps being placed onto the plates. Her gun was still smoking as she rested her cannon arm by her side with the slight blue energy oozing out of it, the armoured boots hitting against the ground as she stopped in place, your eyes focusing on the green visor she had on her helmet. You could see what was behind it to see two soulless eyes staring back at you, the eyes being completely white with no pupil or iris to look into, her nose casting a shadow inside the helmet as you began to move towards you, the ground flexing underneath her feet as she raised her cannon.

You tried to walk away from her but she was faster than you were, the woman grabbing ahold of your collar and threw you to the ground, looking down at you with those empty eyes as she did so. Then you could hear the sound of something clicking and cracking in her armour with the holes in her armour becoming more and more prominent with a slight amount of clear liquid oozing out of the holes. Then the plates began to disappear into the suits back end, some of the plates shifting so they were hanging out whilst others simply moved into the back of the suit and out of the public eye, the helmet staying on as you looked up and down the flesh that laid within the suit

The woman’s actual flesh was extremely soft and smooth, the skin looking almost rubbery to the touch as beads of either sweat or whatever kept her skin moisturised began to drip off her body. The woman has a surprisingly large set of breasts pushing out of her chest, the liquid dripped down onto her muscles which looked a lot like how a well-built woman would look only without the skin with your eyes then drifting over to her vagina. It was a thick, puffy thing that was dripping out fluid, dripping down her still armoured leg as she watched over to you so your legs were underneath her own, the woman began to squat down so she could look into your eyes, sweat dripping down onto the floor and your clothes.

You would look into your eyes before slamming her cannon arm into the metal of the wall, a dent appearing within it as her hand began to move out of the air and onto your chest, a warmth coming out of her hand feeling surprisingly comforting. She would suddenly clench her hand against your shirt and proceeded to pull it towards her, ripping the shirt off your body and exposing your skin to the cold air. Her hand would throw the material away before she moved her and down to your trousers, grabbing one of the legs and ripping them off so half of your lower half was exposed, ripping the other hand off soon after as she looked at your bulge in your underwear, twisting her head as she did so.

She soon grabbed a hold of your underwear and proceeded to rip it off, the fabric tearing effortlessly as your hard cock shot out into the air, the clothing falling to the ground as she leaned over you again. She would move so her chest was parallel with your own with her pussy being raised right about your cock, dripping and pushing fluids all over your cock as her hand moved to your shoulder. Her feet pushed and ground against the floor of the metal room, the light of her visor pushing out against your face as she began to raise her hips higher and higher in the air before slamming herself down onto your cock, her pussy consuming your cock in an instant as she rammed into your hips.

Her pussy was tight as all hell and clenched against your cock like a vice, her thick pussy lips slathering your hips with her fluids as you moaned and sighed, a sound of a synth-like moan coming out her helmet. She would begin to move up your cock as her heels dug into the floor, her fluids dripping down your dick as she clutched your shoulder somewhat gently with the warmth flowing through your neck and collar. She would wait for a couple of seconds before slamming down onto your cock again, giving right down in a second as her pussy clenched your cock in an almost milking motion, pushing up against the head of your cock and moving down your cock and wrapping against the base of your cock.

As she thrusted you could feel your hands grope at the air, her hips pushing you into the ground as you went to reach for her, one hand moving on her shoulders and the other pushing down onto her chest. You could feel her sweat stick to your hand as you moved around her chest before subconsciously moving your hand over to her breast and groping it in your hands, feeling its softness against your fingers. She would let out another one of those synthetic moans out of her helmet as her head craned up into the air with you feeling what you assumed was a heartbeat as she stopped on your cock for a moment, a brief moment of fear moving across your body as she began to go faster.

Her hand would dig into your flesh slightly as her hips began to rocket through the air at a surprisingly fast speed with you letting out a loud moan as you tried to cope with the newfound speed. This meant that your grip against her body got even harder which got the woman even more riled up, her pussy clenching faster and harder against your cock. You could feel her and every muscle of her inner walls rub against your especially sensitive areas, adding to the mountains of pleasure you were feeling, her fluids flowing out more and more as both of you grunted and cried out in pleasure.

At that moment you would move your hand over to her head and grab a hold of it, seeing as her eyes widened behind her visor before you pushed your face to the helmet, kissing her helmet as she threw a shocked expression through the visor. Her hand would move up to your head and grab a hold of your hair to make the kiss more passionate despite the fact she either didn’t want to take the helmet off or that she didn’t have a mouth. Your hand moved away from her breasts before you moved your hand down her spine and grabbed ahold of her ass and began to grope that as well, a moan moving out from the helmeted woman as she began to go even faster.

The room was filled with your moans and her synthetic growls of pleasure, the woman’s hands twitching and flexing whilst her body began to produce more and more sweat. Her thick pussylips would softly crush your cock as she rode you into the ground, her feet scratching against the metal, her gun arm digging into the wall so deep that it was tearing the metal of the wall somewhat. Her pussy fluids would leak out of her pussy and onto the ground, creating a small puddle as the wet slapping sound coming out of your crotch as she pulled away from the kiss, her white eyes looking pleasured as she did so.

At that moment you felt your cock begin to throb inside of her pussy, the woman feeling as you pushed against her walls slightly before she clenched against your cock in response as he moaned. You could feel the pressure at the tip of your head intensifying rapidly, both wanting to orgasm before it got too painful and wanting to hold it so as not to be pulled away from her warmth. Of course, all good things had to come to an end and that end came when the pressure building at the tip of your cock couldn’t be contained anymore, your first shot of cum exploding inside of her as you clutched her body, the woman moaning out as you began to fill her with your cum.

You could feel as each powerful shot moved up into her pussy, slowly filling her up and most certainly filling up her womb if she had one whilst she slammed down onto your cock and wrapped around it like a vice. You would practically bite your tongue as you let out a particularly powerful shot out your cock, the cum splattering across her walls before your orgasm began to dissipate somewhat. You could feel like a couple of shots come out of your cock that were getting smaller and smaller by the second, the last couple of shots being squeezed across her inner walls as you collapsed across the wall, feeling the cold metal against her back as she did so.

You would both collapse into one another, her head ending up on your chest and your hands ending up tumbling onto her legs, looking down at her as exhaustion washed over you, your breathing somewhat ragged as she looked back up at you. She would eventually begin to stand up, moving off your cock with a slick wet sound, your cum dripping out of her pussy as her armour began to slot back into place with a  few clicks and grinding sounds. Eventually, her armour covered up the rest of the soft flesh fully, your cum safely pushed deep inside of the alien creature as she looked over you and turned around to walk away from you and back into the abyss of the ship, leaving you to wonder if you’ll ever see her again seeing as the real Samus was on her way as well.

You only hope that you would.


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