Toxic sludge girl story part 2

 It had been about a week or so since your new roommate had managed to move into your life, with you getting used to her constant teasing whenever you came home from work from the toxic waste plant. You had actually met her at the toxic waste plant but she didn’t work there as an employee or anything like that but instead was born of the toxic sludge itself, living inside of it for god knows how long until she found you and decided to hitch a ride from the plant on your car. When you had got home you went into the shower which was when she made her presence very known to you to the point that you two had sex in the shower and since then you were unable to get rid of her. Since then she has teased and groped you every morning and every night with the woman rubbing your cock whilst whispering into your ears about things she wanted to do to you.

But today it has seemed to be that she was being silent today which was always a worry as when she wasn’t teasing or talking she was planning something as she wanted to do to you. A couple of days ago you had got home and she didn’t do her usual teasing when you walked through the door and when you went to sit down she proceeded to spawn out of your chair and then stroke your cock until you orgasmed. With that you had grabbed a hold of your bag and walked out of the door, feeling the cold air against your skin whilst you got into your car and drove to your job, wondering what the toxic sludge woman was doing as you got the concrete coffin that was the toxic sludge plant.

You could feel the shadow of the compound against your body as you got out of the car with the air feeling as cold as the building itself looked as you walked inside of it, getting ready for a long day ahead. You moved into the changing room and placed on your hazmat suit, getting ready for the hours of sweating whilst moving toxic materials that were ahead of you as you affixed the mask onto your head. With that you had got to work, moving over to the waste overviewing facility so you could see if there was anything that needed to be removed from the general waste channel until you suddenly felt a sensation move across your cock, making you grunt out as you did so.

It felt like several tentacles were moving over your cock, wrapping around every single vein and sensitive spot that it could, with you letting out a couple of grunts before you went to see what it was, looking down into your suit. You could see a writhing hive of tentacles that were inside of your suit, the tentacles being a deep black with you soon releasing what it was the toxic sludge woman. You let out a grunt of anger as you looked back up to your work, feeling your body shake as your tentacles moving across your dick, pressing your teeth down onto your win in a scowl as you tried to grin and bear it, looking over the toxic materials as you felt your cock throbbing against her grasp.

The next eight hours were akin to some sort of sexual torture, the tentacles being unrelenting throughout all of the duties that you were able to do which made it quite hard for you to focus as you did them. You would feel as the tentacles teased you to the point of near orgasm, with you feeling the pressure against your tip before the tentacles moved away from your rod, leaving you at the point of orgasm and waiting until you stopped throbbing. This process went on throughout your shift, to the point that your skin was covered in sweat and grease, with it getting to the point that you felt like needed a shower within the first hour and that by the time that you got to the end of your shift it looked like you were dying of heatstroke.

You looked at the clock at the end of your shift and sighed out with relive, practically running into the changing room to take off the hazmat suit, groaning out once you took the helmet off and felt the cold air against your skin. As soon as you went to take the rest of the suit off the goo woman suddenly stopped her teasing and hid again, with you feeling a slight bit of annoyance when she decided to hide from you. With that you changed into your normal clothes and then walked out into the cold air which was a welcome surprise to your sweat covered skin before you got into your car and began to long drive home, feeling your emotions begin to stew inside of your body as the cars moved by.

The emotions were a mixture of anger and horniness which were moving through your mind just as fast as a bullet train, with you moving in and out of the traffic to get home as soon as possible. After about 20 or so minutes of driving your hand managed to pull up into your house, grabbing ahold of your bag angrily and walking towards the front door. As soon as you entered you moved into your bedroom and slammed the door behind you, chucking the bag into the bed and waiting for her to get out of it, noticing a single tentacle come out of it and grab ahold of the zipper, pushing it down the zip and waiting for a second before she began to form her own body.

Her body began to form, showing off her smooth stomach to you, her ass and thighs slowly pulling away from each other and slowly becoming as thick as they were beforehand, the woman chest soon forming. Her breasts were pretty big, bouncing somewhat when they fully formed with the nipples forming a moment later, her arms and head then moving out of her black, oily mass. Her limbs folded out and split into a pair of feminine arms and fingers, her head being a single mass before her hand split and moved down the back of her neck and head, the goo dripping onto the bed as her facial features formed. Her nose was the first to form followed by the eyes and finally her mouth, the woman letting out a sigh before her eyes met with yours, a devious smile moving across her face.

“Enjoy your day at work, darling?” She would ask in a sarcastic and mocking tone, with you grabbing a hold of her arms and pushing her down onto the bed, the woman looking up at you as you heard the gooey sounds coming from her body. “Oh, are you already this horny for me? Why are we getting like this then?” She would say in the same teasing tone, spreading her legs so she could show off her pussy to you, with you grabbing a hold of your trousers and beginning to pull it down. “Oooh, is it because I was teasing you all this time. I bet you’re throbbing down there, aren’t you?” She asked as she smirked as you got your underwear off, your cock bouncing out of it in the process.

The woman would smile at you as you pulled out your dick, her legs spreading across the bed some more as she began to speak again, the words coming out of her mouth feeling like silk to your ears. “Oooh, did I do that to you, darling? Maybe you need to take some relive” She said with a smile as she looked up at you, moving her Pussy walls so that they were open so you could see inside of her pussy. The pussy seemed to be smoother and flat, her tentacles writhing around inside of her body as you placed your hands onto her legs and pushed them into the bed, feeling her goo move against your hand, feeling as it stuck to your fingers as you moved over her oil black body.

“Go on Anon, put your dick inside of me.” She said with a smirk as you decided to get yourself lubed up, pushing your cock up to her lips and beginning to push up and down them, her pussy spewing out slightly thick liquid as you looked into her eyes. Her eyes were filled with the flames of lust, the woman letting out grunts and moans in the sluttiest way that she could, resting her hands against the back of her head as her limbs flexed against the sides of the bed, wanting to wrap around your hips but she was restraining herself so she didn’t. After you got yourself lubed up you proceeded to slam yourself into her pussy, feeling as it tightened around your cock whilst she let out a loud moan into the air.

“Oh my, Anon, you feel so bi-“ She attempted to say before you shoved your mouth onto her own, your lips pushing down against her own as your tongue slipped into hers as you pushed your cock deeper and deeper inside her. You could feel as her tentacles occasionally moved against your cock as you wrapped your tongue around her own, with you eventually hitting the base of your cock against her walls. Your tongues tangled with each other as you felt the taste of the goo in your mouth, beginning to pull out of her pussy with you feeling her pussy liquids drip off your cock and onto the bed below.

You then proceeded to slam into her pussy, feeling as her legs began to move and twice themselves around your body with you pulling away from her face and feeling the drool against your face as you looked down upon your lover. Moans erupted from her mouth as you moved in and out of her, grabbing a hold of one of her breasts with one hand and grasping against the bed with the other. You pushed your fingers into her breasts and heard as she shouted out in pleasure, with you kneading and pushing down against her chest as you began to go faster against your oily lover’s body.

You could hear her moans get louder and louder as her hands shot out into the air and grabbed ahold of your shoulders, her fingers pushing and digging down into your back as she looked up into your eyes. “Mmmph, Fuck yeah! Fuck me harder, Anon! Fuck my harder!” She said loudly as she grabbed ahold of your back, hearing the sounds of wet and lewd slapping coming from below you both as you hit against each other’s waist. You would slam your hips against her and feel as the goo moved against the sides of her body, the woman drooling as you moved your hand up onto her other breast and groped them.

At this point you were groping her like mad as her moans slipped and pushed out of her mouth, with you pushing your head down to kiss her again, her tongue instantly wrapping around your own.  The woman’s pussy then clenched and pushed against your cock, her lips rubbing up against your base and the tentacles inside of the vagina pushing and stroking it in the process. The speed of your thrust caused some of the tentacles to be pushed away from the cock where they would come back with a vengeance and wrap around your dick, forcing you to move faster against her body which she enjoyed.

As the speed kept picking up you could feel her warm breath against her face, her eyes lustfully lost in your own as her legs tangled against each other and wrapped around the back of your waist. You pulled away from her face for a moment to take a breath and went back to kissing her, the woman’s words and moans muffled with your mouth and gagged with your tongue. You could feel her pussy flexing and pushing against your cock as she got more and more, the woman seemingly getting closer and closer to wrapping around your cock completely as the tentacles wrapped, pushed and stretched against your penis as it began to throb.

You could feel it pushing against her tight inner walls as you pulled your tongue out of her mouth, her own tongue hanging limply inside of it and dripping black drool across the bed as her pussy grew tighter around you. You could feel the pressure at the tip of the cock began to increase and increase, with you trying to hold it in for as long as possible as you clutched her body for dear life. After a while the pressure got too much for you to hold in with you moving a couple more thrusts before you slammed yourself inside of her, the woman’s pussy wrapping around your cock as you shot your first load inside of her.

You both moaned out loudly as she felt the first shot of warm cum pushing out of your cock and deep into the back of her pussy, the pussy feeling airtight as she squeezed and hugged against your cock. You could feel as shot after shot moved out of your coco and into her pussy, getting larger and larger by the second before your orgasm began to fizzle down somewhat. Eventually, you stopped cumming all together although it did take quite a while for that to occur, the last couple shots pushing against her tentacles which collected the sperm eagerly, with you looking down at your lover as you panted away to yourself. 

As you pulled out you looked to her face which was one of pure ecstasy, the goo dripping off your cock making you grunt once you got all the way out of her pussy, moving beside her and collapsing as she did so. You looked over into her eyes as she turned to face with a smile onto her face, with you feeling the sweat drip down your skin as she began to speak to you. “Mmmph, you’ve surely pumped a child into me for sure, you know that Anon?” She asked as she moved herself over to your arm and hugged against it, her head pushing against your arm as she looked into your eyes and as you thought about what your children would be like as you decided that your shower could wait for now.


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