Night terror story

 You stood in your kitchen with two pills in your hand and a glass of water on the desk, with you flicking the pills around your fingers as you looked upon the box they had come in, your eyes glancing and reading the side effects in the dim lighting of your kitchen. You had recently received antibiotics for an infection within your appendix that could become life threaten and as such they shoved you on antibiotics and chucked you out of the door, leaving you to read the side effects on the back of the box and hope for the best, the name of the antibiotics being utterly unpronounceable to you. You read through the antibiotics and saw the usual side effects of choking, seizures and other life-threatening things that had little chance of happening but the one that you were most worried about was one that said that it had caused nightmares, since you had always had problems with nightmares since you were a child, these constant nightmares continuing into adulthood so you dreaded them getting more intense.

Your eyes moved away from the box and onto the glass, swallowing your fear before shoving your pills into your mouth and taking a swig of water, swelling down the pills as you felt them move down your throat. You coughed somewhat as you let them down your throat before placing the glass down and walking into the dark, moving over to your bedroom to go and watch some television to pass onto the night. You sat down on your bed and felt that fear well up within your guts again, feeling your heart begin to go faster and faster, your skin going somewhat cold as you tried to calm yourself down, soon realising that you had something that would be able to calm your nerves in your dresser drawer.

You moved into the drawer and chucked a few trinkets aside before finding a plastic box within it, clicking the top off as you looked down at the dark green buds that were laying within it. You had been saving the weed for a special occasion but you decided that you might as well use it now, pulling some of it out and grabbing the rest of what you would need to roll a blunt. You rolled it and then grabbed ahold of a lighter you had inside of the drawer and then lit it up, taking it into your lips and taking in the drug through your body, the drug's effects being no means instant but you had enough time to wait for the relaxing feeling to move over you, inhaling it a few more times before the drug started to take effect.

You would feel that calming feeling move over your body after a while, your mind blurred somewhat so the fear would be blocked out by the blurred with you being glad that you didn’t have to worry about the fear again. You had soon had it that you felt comfortable enough to go to bed, looking at the clock and seeing that it was one in the morning and deciding it was a reasonable time doing it. You put out your blunt against your bedside table and threw what remained out of the window, moving over to your bed and hitting against the pillow, smiling to yourself as you figured that you were going to have a restful night sleep, your eyes shut before you drifted briefly into slumber.

Suddenly you realised that you weren’t going to sleep, opening your eyes to see that your room was covered in a darkness that wasn’t previously inside of it, with you trying to move your arm over to the light only to realise that you couldn’t. You tried to move your legs, onto to realise that they were stuck in place as well, bent all out of shape as you soon realised that you were somehow paralysed. You would look down at your body to see that the clothes that you had on suddenly disappeared from your body, with you looking around to see them nowhere in sight, with you getting more and more worried about what scenario you had just been thrust into as you tried to move again. 

As you tried to get used to the situation you had been thrust in, always testing to see if you could move around, with you looking up to see a black tentacle move out of the abyss, the tentacle having a sharp point on the end of it which was dripping with an unknown liquid. You watched as the tentacle moved around in the air, the tip dripping before it swung down and stabbed you in the top of your cock and pushed a bit of that liquid into your cock, pulling away for a moment before stabbing into the middle of your dick, a few more drops moving inside you. The tentacle finally stabbed the bottom of your cock, with you starting to feel hornier and hornier which you couldn’t sate due to the fact you couldn’t move.

You moved your head up into the air only to see that an eye was right above you, the eye appearing out of nowhere and blinking at you but you felt that it was a wink deep inside. You would look down again to see the tentacle stab right down into your cock again, this time hitting you right in the glands and making you let out a groan as it tried to pump the liquid inside of you. You would feel yourself get harder and harder as the eye moved back into the dark, the tentacle pulling out when your erection was practically throbbing out of your skin, your member being so urgently erect that it was almost painful, with you feeling as a deep warmth moved and burned through your body.

The tentacle quickly moved into the darkness, leaving you alone for a couple of seconds before something else showed up through the darkness, with you glancing up and down the body of what you assumed to be the woman who stabbed you with her tentacles. The woman had the head and body of a normal human woman, a pair of fair tits pushing from her chest whilst her face looked normal if pretty, her skin is a porcelain white with her true monstrous parts being her arms and legs. Her arms and legs were replaced with long tentacles, the tentacles ending in porcelain coloured hands with the limbs being able to flex much like a snake's body. Her back was covered in black tentacles with stingers pushing out of them, each of them dripping with liquid as the tentacled woman moving towards you with a grin on her face.

Her hands would reach you first and begin to rub against your chest, the woman’s legs also slithering across the ground as her face moved above yours, her pale body looming over you as her legs began to wrap around your own. You would look down to her pussy watching as it dripped juices all over your cock, watching as her smile grew when she saw how hard you were. She would slowly push her body next to your own, her smooth body pushing up against the skin, her hands beginning to creep and push against your back whilst her breath moved against your neck, feeling a slight bit of wetness firm her breath before she raised her hips into the air, shaking them as she did so.

She would raise her ass a couple more steps before slamming down onto your cock, with you letting out a moan into the air as she proceeded to let out a hum, a pleasured look moving across her face. The woman’s hands would clutch against your back as she moved down to your base smoothly, her pussy being tight and warm, clenching and pushing up against your cock in the process. She would hit the base and stop for a couple of seconds, relishing the feeling of you inside of her and letting her tongue roll inside of her mouth as she began to raise herself your cock, getting to the tip before she stopped and slammed down again, making you grunt out as she did so.

The woman would continue with this moving up and down motion as you felt her breath against your face, her tentacle arm moving up and grabbed ahold of your chin and moved your head so that you were able to face her, a smile being smeared across her lips. The woman would caress your face with her fingers before she moved closer and closer to your face and pressed her lips against your own, her breath moving into your mouth before her tongue moved within your mouth. Her tongue was long and drool covered, slowly moving around your mouth as her hips took care of your body, her hands moving down your body and stroking your ribs and your chest in the process.

The woman seemed to have her lust stoked by the kiss whilst her hips began to move up and down your cock faster than beforehand, bouncing and pushing against your cock in the process. You could feel her hips hitting against your own now, the woman’s pussy clenching and pressing against your cock before she pulled away, her spit connecting you to her in the process. You would watch her breast sway in the air as her hair lashed against her back, the tentacles with the spikes moving into the air, dripping liquid all over the place as they moved around, the woman enjoying herself as she moaned out into the air.

The woman looked into your eyes as she licked her lips, the woman moaning and groaning lovingly as you wondered how long she had waited for you to come to her, the woman smiling as you thought. You could feel her legs tangle against your own as her feet would drag against your legs, feeling as her body wrapped around your own in a loving, caring embrace. Her body pressed against your own as you felt the bottom half of her torso begin to twist somewhat as she pushed her breasts against your own, soon releasing that she was intending to go even faster before she slammed against her hips.

The woman would begin to go faster and faster against your hips whilst you moaned into the air, feeling your body growing warm and sweaty with you being unable to move to do anything about the situation. Her hips would wind you on occasion, slamming into you so hard that you would feel the vibrations of her body moving across the entirety of your own body. Her arms would curl and push against your skin whilst she hugged you close to her, the woman’s hardened nipples grinding and pressing against your chest, her tongue hanging out of his mouth before slamming it back into your mouth again.

At that moment you had felt your cock begin to throb inside of her, your cock pushing up against the sides of her walls and causing her to clench up against it, making you moan even more than beforehand. The pressure within the head of your cock increased and increased, getting harder and harder to hold in as she rode you furiously, the bed creeping as she thrusted. It was getting closer by the second, with you moaning into her mouth as you looked into her eyes, a mixture of arousal and nervousness moving across your body before you began to cum inside of her, breathing out into her tongue as the first shot of cum hit the back of her pussy.

You would feel as shot after shot moved out of your cock, her pussy tightening to the point where it was almost airtight against your dick as she felt you begin to fill her up with your cum. Your shots were getting larger until they reached a peak, a tidal wave of cum washing up against her womb before they began to go down as your lust fissile down to embers. Your cum shots got slowly and more intense with the last couple leaving your cock and hitting against her walls, the woman’s limbs going limp as she fell onto your sweaty and exhausted body, panting madly along with you as she wiggled her hips.

After a while of her laying against your cock before pulling off your cock, the woman felt as your cum dripped out of her pussy as she raised her ass for a brief moment and then proceeded to slam her hips down into her bed. The woman smirked at you as you looked up into the air, her white body contrasting with the darkness as you closed your eyes again. By the time that you opened your eyes you were in your room again, light moving through the window of your room as you looked across your body, seeing a blanket over it and the lack of a tentacled woman laying on his body, with you quickly realising that it had been a dream or perhaps a nightmare but, even though you now knew that she wasn’t real, you couldn’t help but feel that she was real as she got up off her bed.


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