Audrey II story

 You lived in downtown skid row which could be best described as one of the biggest shitholes in New York, being a run-down place filled with all sorts of rough people and various scum that littered the street with jobs being rare and hard to come by. Right now you were one of the lucky ones, walking down the trash covered streets as you both couldn’t afford a car nor fuel for a car if you had one, following the directions on the ad as you did so. You were going to a place called Mushnik's Flower Shop which was certainly not the first place of choice for your work but the pay did seem surprisingly large for a flower shop and running a Flower shop would be an easy job so it wasn’t going to be taxing work although it did say that there were some exotic breeds within the shop you wouldn’t think that it would be that hard to water them.

The ad had stated to be on the corner of the street you were walking down, reading the ad whilst you walked and being too sure try and make a good first impression as you readied yourself to see your new boss. Suddenly you would see a shot on the corner, with the shop having unpainted brick walls beaming out into the street before you broke out into the slight sprint before you reached the glass. It seemed to be the place, the name of the shop being written across the window with several different flowers and types of greenery being all over the place, some of the plants having long leaves and some of the flowers being red and white, with you moving to the door and opening it, entering the shop.

The shop seemed to be dead of both customers and staff with you looking around to see plants and only plants, with you figuring that the owner hadn’t heard you and knocked on the door a couple of times to try and get him to come out. “Hello? Is anyone in? I’ve come for that job that you put in the paper!” You shouted out before being responded too by more silence which made you even more confused as you walked deeper into the store. The floor would creek against your weight as you walked around, looking at the store to see more and more plants, running around to the cashiers’ desk to see if there was a note or not before you heard a voice coming from the back of the store.

“Ooh, baby! Get in here because somebody needs feeding!” Screamed out the voice from the back of the shop with the tone of the voice is what could best be described as a baritone camp with you looking around the walls in the process to try and find the source of it. You wondered what the hell the voice was asking you to do as you stayed in place, eventually making yourself move into the back room as you prayed that what you were going to be a part of some person's bizarre feederism fetish. As you walked through the corridor you would hear the camp voice would make several sounds as if it was stretching its limbs with you walking into a room to see something rather shocking to you.

It was a giant plant, hundreds upon hundreds of root-like tendrils were either laying down on the ground or moving around the air, the entire plant being various shades of dark green whilst it laid in the dirt. The head of the plant was featureless except for a giant mouth, a toothy grin moving across it with the plant herself having multiple sets of teeth, all of the teeth being yellow and jagged. The mouth was surrounded by a set of plump lips which seemed to be a rather bright red, the head having a main of dark green leaves around her head, the tentacles moving across the mess of leaves and roots that she called a body before she began to speak. “My, lookie here! Another new face for ol me!” It shouted in the same tone as before, with you looking at her with confusion.

“What’s wrong, never seen a talking plant before? Names Audrey II, Baby!” She said with a chuckle, putting a tentacle to one of her lips coyly with you couldn’t help but feel as if she was eyeing you up as a tentacle moved towards you and moved up your chest. “It’s not every day someone like you walks into the store, sweetheart! Usually, we just get the weedy ones in!” She would chuckle again as she finished her last sentence, clearly enjoying herself as she moved the tentacle up to your chin. “Look at you, Tall, meaty, delectable! Mmmmm-hmmm, I’m glad I managed to get a good feeder to show up for once.” The plant would say as you got more and more confused by the second as she rubbed you with her tentacles, with you going up to her to grab ahold of the fertiliser laying on one of the wall-mounted shelves.

As soon as your hand touched the fertiliser one of her tentacles whipped against your hand, feeling a slight burn against your hands before her tentacles wrapped around your legs and turned you to look at her. “What do you think ya doing, going to feed me that foul-tasting shite!”She would shout as she dragged you closer to her slowly, feeling as your feet dragged across the ground in the process. “No, no, no, I want something much tastier! I want that nutritious, delicious and virile cum that’s hiding in those balls of yours!” She would shout, your eyes widening with shock as she moved her tentral down to your cock and began to grope and push against your cock, wrapping around it. 

“I can guarantee that I’m much better than the average woman at draining those orbs! Look at this curvy body, these plump lips, this wild tongue!” She said as she licked her lips moving her tentacles over to your trousers as well. She would begin to try and take off your trousers, grabbing ahold of the button and ripping it off, throwing it down to the ground as you felt your trousers begin to rip apart. “Well don’t go resisting me! I’ve waited for god knows how long for a good feeding of something nice and sticky stuff and I’ll be sure to bust your balls if you don’t drain them right down  my mouth!” She would say as she threw your trousers aside before grabbing a hold of your underwear.

She would quickly rip it off as well, the fabric falling to the floor as your cock flew out into the cold air, the plants’ lips perching into the smile as a couple of her tendrils moved over to it, hovering around it. “Well, you certainly don’t disappoint, darling! Look at those balls, oh, that’s a couple feeds right there!” Audrey II said as she rubbed your balls with one of her tendrils and stroked your cock with the other. “Now, are you ready to get sucked off by the big green mother from outer space?” She would ask, with you nodding because you already knew that the plant would suck you off anyway, the plant smirking before pushing its lips into a kiss and shoved itself down onto your cock.

The suction around your cock was quite intense, causing you to moan out into the air as you felt her plush lips push and squeeze across your cock which made you grunt as a few tentral moved around your legs. Another couple moved around your chest whilst a few more moved around your arms, a humming coming from the plant as she pushed her large tongue up against your cock, covering in her drool. It would rub against the back of your cock whilst the hot breath oozed out of her lips before they felt the warm air moving against your skin, her vines growing tighter as you moved your hands down to the leafy main around her and grabbed it.

You could hear her grunting and moaning out into the air as she did so, the tongue moving around as she opened her mouth up as she went to speak to you, drool dripping from her teeth in the process. “Mmmph, tasting good, darling! Now, let’s see how quick I can get you to squirt!” She shouted as she went back to sucking your cock, her lips clamping around your dick in the process. Her tongue would go back to slapping and whip against your cock, flicking all around it as the warm breath moving out of her mouth began to go faster and faster as you let out another grunt as she began to move your head.

You could feel as her head began to move up and down your dick rapidly, hitting and pressing against your waist as her tentacles pushed closer and closer to her as she sucked eagerly. Her leaves would curl against the skin of your body, feeling soft and somewhat smooth as her head moved around like she was intense tongue-kissing your crotch, drool coming from the side of her mouth. Her head would squeeze and push and move around your cock which made you groan and moan even move, pushing your fingers against the leaves, feeling like you were about to rip them off as the tentacles balled up in your hands.

“Mmmph, god, you’re lasting a while, baby!” She said whilst she sucked on your cock some more, with you leaning against her tentacles as she began rubbing against your cheeks again. You could feel her caress your lips as another tentacle with a bulb on it came out, the bulb revealing itself to be a miniature version of her head, complete with very red lips. As soon as you looked up the bulb it slammed down onto your lips, pushing its puffy lips against them, the tongue writhing out of the mouth and beginning to wrap around your tongue, making sure you were moaning onto her mouth as she went even faster.

She would practically ram herself into your hips where you probably would have gone flying if it wasn’t for her vines wrapping around your legs to make sure that you wouldn’t get away from her. Her tongue would lose all sense of rhyme and reason as it hit against the side and edges of your cock, having an instinctual urge to press and hit against the tip of your cock in the process. Her bulb mouth continued to kiss and press against your mouth as she let out a few hmms and moans which almost had a tune to them, with the woman stopping for a brief as she felt your cock begin to throb against her lips.

You Could feel it pushing against her tongue which made it quickly wrap around your cock for everything except for the tip of your cock which was going to make your orgasm approach faster and she knew it. You could feel the pressure build up inside of your tip as you tried to keep your orgasm held in, feeling your head pulse as part of her tongue flicked against it.  After a while you couldn’t take the pressure against your cock anymore, feeling as you let go of that pressure and the first shot of your cum pushed out and hit against the back of her throat, the woman stopping as she felt the salty liquid crawl down into her body.

You would feel as shot after shot of cum began to erupt out of your cock, the plant greedily gulping down all of the cum that you shot into her as the kissing from the bulb began to stop somewhat, the tongue laying limp in your mouth. At one point a particularly hard cumshot pushed out your cock and hit against the back of her mouth, splattering all over the mouth including her tongue. Eventually, your orgasm began to come to an end, your shots becoming smaller but no less intense until three last coupe which moved onto her tongue, with you feeling like you were about to fall over it if it wasn’t for her holding you up in the air.

You would feel as the tongue began to leave your mouth, drool dripping out of both the pods and your mouth with you panting wildly before the head pulled away from your cock and let out a satisfied sigh. “Mmm-mmm, that was some good stuff! Way more plentiful than some of the other losers that come into this place.” The plant would say with a chuckle as she realised that she had ripped your trousers off, looking at the ground before turning around and pointing to a backroom. “Go into the back room, I got some spare trousers back there for you. Also, your money is in the safe and you’ve gotta come back once a day or so to feed me but I know that you’ll be coming back, darling!” The plant would say with a chuckle as you walked away from her, nattering on to herself as you went to get the trousers, knowing that you would be coming to her in more ways than one.


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