Wendigo lesbian story

 The forest at this time of year was dark and foggy, the cold air pushing against the skin of survivalist Ashlia Scott and making her shiver sounds somewhat as she moved through the forest on her own, her phone service going out of signal about two miles ago and her blade coming out about one mile afterwards. The moon was low in the sky with the moonlight shining through the fog and the trees and given out as much light that was necessary to see, the sky being a dark void devoid of stars despite how far she was at the end of the night. Usually, survivalists would come to forests like this to do some challenge or some record-breaking stunt but Ashlia had different reasons for coming here, ones that were shrouded in rumours and urban legends, ones that would make you sound crazy if you even said the name of the creature she was trying to find.

That creature’s name was the Wendigo of Kalkultas forest, described by the local tribes across the area as tall, horned creatures, crawling around in all fours and tearing through flesh like a wild beast whilst displaying the cunning and skills of a human. Of course, this creature was often just called mere folklore and said not to exist in the area or mere lies just like the woman or bigfoot but Ashlia believed it was real due to her father, a big game hunter. When she was young she was told tales from her father's hunts of a Wendigo lurking through the forest, cutting through prey and frequently destroying her father's car which he swore was the Wendigo until the day he got it repaired.

The Wendigo has been a fixation for her for the entirety of her life, the woman constantly searching and looking for evidence and proof for its existence, the survivalist finding just enough to locate the creature. It was in the east side of the Kalkultas forest, hiding in the trees and bushes and killing any hikers that would come up, the deaths attributed to wolves and bears but she knew the truth. Now she was trekking right through the area that she had been finding the sightings and witness statements, the woman equipped with an army knife for close combat and a high Calibre gun for long-range which meant that if this wendigo came after her, the Wendigo would be coming to die.

She moved through the night quietly and steadily through the grass and the dirt, the fog making it so that her vision was more obscured then it would have been, giving the Wendigo an advantage. Still, the creature would have to try its hardest to try and get her, the woman glancing all around her to try and see anything lurking or moving in the shadows. It must have been hours since she had been moving around the forest, trying to figure out where the creature was as her eyes affixed upon the edge of her vision as she saw a shadow at the edge of her vision, Ashlia seeing a hunched silhouette with horns moving into the air, the woman quickly stopping as she placed her knife into her side.

She grabbed ahold of the rifle affixed to her back and levelled it to the shadow of the creature, aiming for the head and clicking the gun out of safety before she pulled the trigger, letting out a shot in the process. The bullet passed the shadows head and pierced the mist, revealing the eye of the creature to be near completely black with a single red dot in the middle. The creature didn’t waste any time before moving towards her, letting out a mixture of a growl and a scream as Ashlia shot another bullet yet again, the creature dodging out the way before Ashlia grabbed ahold of her knife and placed the gun back onto her back, the knife glistening in the moonlight as she watched the creature move through the forest.

She swung the knife at the creature as it lunged at her, the woman being rammed to the ground by the creature and onto the grass-covered floor, the knife slipping out her hand as she fell. She glanced over to the knife and grabbed ahold of it, picking it off the ground for a second before she felt the creature’s foot slamming into her arm, the knife slipping out of her hand as she did so. She quickly used her remaining arm and grabbed ahold of the rifle on her back, pulling it up into the air trying to pull the trigger, the rifle getting yanked right out of her hands before she even got a chance to shoot it, the sounds of the rifle cracking and snapping before the metal and plastic fell to the ground.

Ashlia looked up at the creature looking over, becoming eye to eye with the Wendigo, looking over the creature deer skeletons head, her eyes black with a burning dot of red within them, her antlers about as big as Ashlia’s arms, the antlers having various trinkets hanging off them. The woman looked down the creatures long and hairy neck before reaching her chest, revealing a massive set of breasts hanging down from above, contrasting with her stick-like arms which were white to start but black halfway down the elbow, each finger tipped with a claw. Her legs were thick and large, is as about as big as Ashlia’s entire body with her feet also tipped off in claws, a bare pussy being between them, dripping and eager as the Wendigo got into the floor on its hands and legs, pinning Ashlia to the ground and getting ready to swipe at her, raising its claw to the moon as it did so.

Suddenly the claw fell into the air, Ashlia closing her eyes as she heard the ripping of her clothes, waiting for the sting of broken flesh and the warmth of blood, onto for neither to come, much to her surprise. She opened her eyes to see the wendigo swipe down again, cutting through her trousers and exposing her flesh to the cold air. The wendigo reached down and ripped the clothes off her top half, her bra going along with it which revealed her breasts to the wendigo, the lower half of her clothes going along next which showed off her pussy to the creature, her head quickly coming face to face to Ashlia, a black liquid dripping out of her eyes and mouth as she stared into the face of the human woman.

The wendigo then grabbed ahold of Ashlia’s head and shoved her tongue into her mouth, the long, thick, drool dripping organ going deep inside of her mouth and making her gag in the process. Ashlia tried to pull away from the wendigo’s mouth only to be shoved right into it, the tongue wiggling her way out of the woman’s throat and them moving onto her tongue, wrapping around it as she did so. The tongue moved across her teeth and her pallet, the woman’s mouth dripping with black spit by the time that the woman was done, the wendigo yanking her tongue out of Ashlia’s mouth, spit dripping across the sides of her mouth as she tried to pull away from the wendigo, only to get slammed into the dirt again.

The wendigo slammed her claws into Ashlia breasts, moaning and groaning as the creature began to grope at them, the creature slowly sliding herself down the woman’s body and stopping as her head was just behind Ashlia’s naked waist. The creature would stop as she looked down at the woman’s pussy, beginning to move her face down to it as the black liquid drooled out of every hole in her head, the tongue coming out into the air and feeling as the wind blew against it. The wendigo then pushed its muzzle down into the human woman’s pussy, Ashlia feeling as the hot air of the wendigo breath moved across it, making her moan out slightly as she stopped wiggling out of the beast's grasp.

The creature then pulled away and let its tongue out of her boney maw and proceeded to begin to move it up and down Ashlia cunt, lapping up her pussy fluids as Ashlia moaned on the floor of the forest. The tongue was warm and wet, the lapping sensation making the woman twitch and push against the ground, the wendigo giving her tits a grope as to tell her to stop which she did. The creature moved one of its hands away from her breasts and down her stomach, feeling Ashlia squirm before pushing one finger onto her pussy lips and spreading them aside, the wendigo quickly slamming her tongue into her pussy, wiggling it right inside her as the woman twisted in pleasure.

The woman’s legs moved against the creature’s head, the Wendigo moved her hands off Ashlias tits and onto her thighs and then spread them apart, the woman’s feet curling and clenching in the air as the tongue went around the inner walls. The tongue managed to reach all of the spots that would usually be neglected by a human tongue, dark black spit dripping inside of her as she did so. Occasionally, the wendigo would flick her tongue up into her clit, making Ashlia moan and move as the wendigo looked into the human woman’s eyes, letting out a snort before going even faster than beforehand.

The first thing that she felt was the sharp claws pressing down into her thighs and then the tongue suddenly twitching and flexing against her pussy, the tip of the tongue often bending backwards to move the tip up their clit. The tongue would then slam down right onto her clit, often battering it in a typhoon of pleasure right across her waist, the legs moving around in the air before the wendigo bending so she couldn’t move then. Meanwhile the Wendigos pussy was dripping onto the dirt, her pussy fluids moving off her thighs and onto the ground, the wendigos breast pushing right down into the ground.

The creature would push her shoulders against the legs to get more leverage on Ashlias pussy, the creature’s breath growing more and more rapid the more it got onto the display. Its tongue would curl inside of her, flicking off her walls whilst the thin tip wiped against her most sensitive areas which the creature’s tongue was especially good at finding out. The creature would flick its eyes up and down Ashlias body, grunting and snarling as more and more goo pushed out of the skulls eyes and nose, the claws digging into her thighs and slowly scratching down them, not being hard enough to draw blood but being enough to make it hurt somewhat

The creature then slammed itself into her pussy again, the nose pushing right up against the top and huffing down the human woman’s scent, the tongue going deeper and deeper in the process. She also seemed to be drooling more and more out of her face, her hips swaying in the air as the wendigo’s actions got more and more feral by the moment. Ashlia couldn’t do anything but moan and squirm in place as the Wendigo had its way with her, claws dragging and scratching all across her body, the black goo that was weeping out of her eyes falling into a puddle on the ground as Ashlia clutched the ground and moaned into the air.

At that moment she had begun to orgasm all over the wendigo’s face, wave upon wave of pussy fluids pushing out of her pussy and onto the wendigo’s long tongue, shaking as she felt the taste against her tongue. The wendigo’s face was soon coated in the human woman’s pussy liquid, the tongue stopping after a while as the orgasm began to come to an end. Eventually, her orgasm came to an end, the last reaches of her juices as she felt the tongue pull out of her pussy, flicking against her clit one more time, the wendigo watching her panting from above, sweat moving down both their bodies.

As Ashlia panted above the ground as the Wendigo looked over her, the creature quickly moved down next to her face and licked all of her sweat off it, relishing the taste before its eyes glanced around the area. The creature let out a furious scream of hundreds upon hundreds of voices into the air before running off into the fog, leaving Ashlia alone with her thoughts. She couldn’t quite believe what had happened to her as she lied down in the dirt, the woman not only finding the wendigo but being brought to the point of orgasm by it, the woman getting up unsteady as she thought to herself, making plans to come back to the forest and see the wendigo of Kalkultas forest again.


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