Toxic sludge woman story

 Working as a cleanup and disposal worker for a local oil and toxic waste infusion plant wasn’t the most glamorous or safe job but it was one that paid quite well and also meant that they weren’t dumping things into the ocean or the environment which made the job quite a bit more tolerable for you. You spent most of the day inside of a silver biohazard suit, your skin sweating due to the warmth and your breath being restricted by the gas mask that you had to wear, stepping around the much in reinforced boots with a pressure washer strapped to your back. With the pressure washer, you sued it to clean up all the waste from the mixers as well as move it all to the final dumping place underneath the facility, with the sludge being as thick as molasses and as dark as the abyss itself, rumours circling the workplace about what special properties that it had.

One of the biggest rumours that had come out of the workplace was that the sludge was sentient and had often taken a liking to people, even hitching rides with them but you just assumed that they were excusing the fact that they didn’t clean up after themselves. You heard as the clock chimed above you, it’s hands pointing to midnight indicating that it was time for you to leave, with you beginning to take off the protective gear you were mandated to wear. As you changed back into your normal clothes you felt as if someone was watching you, turning around to see that there was nobody there but your own shadow, your eyes scanning the area you placed your shirt onto your body.

You grabbed your back and dumped all of your work stuff into quarantine as you left the building, scanning out of your keycard and swearing you could hear something scamper past the doors when you walked through them. You looked behind you at the concrete monolith that stood in the unassuming countryside, the building placed there because they didn’t want it to be any city in case it exploded. You quickly moved your case back to the car park that surrounded it, grabbing ahold of the door and opening it before getting in and dumping your stuff on the passenger seat, hearing the sounds of something hitting against your car as you did so, making you jump in your seat.

You proceeded to open the window of your car and stuck your head out of it to see if a bird had hit it, seeing no sign of the impact or if anything had even hit it, with you just figuring it was the car making noises as you began to drive home. The drive was long, about an hour or half before you managed to reach the apartment block that you loved in, seeing as the countryside slowly became buildings and the sounds of tractors then became the sounds of cars. You grabbed a hold of your bag and got out of your car, feeling the cold midnight air hit your skin, grabbing ahold of your apartment key as you entered through into the inside of the building, the heaters being so old that it felt somehow colder inside the building then it did outside.

As you moved up the twelve or so rounds of stairs to your apartment you felt as you got more and more tired and the sweat that was on your body fused into your clothes, making you uncomfortably warm and humid. You got to your apartment and opened the door, slamming it behind you and locking it before tossing your keys to the side, going to sit down so you could relax after a long day's work. You couldn’t relax, however, both because you still couldn’t help but feel that someone was watching you and because the sweat on your clothes was making you feel dirty, feeling like you could take both of them out by having a shower which would both clean and relaxes you.

You walked over to the bedroom and took off your clothes, taking then one off one by one and dumping them onto the washing machine before you moved to get a towel and some soap out, placing it into the bath in the process. With that you clicked on the hot water, hearing as it hissed and pushed out cold water for a few seconds before warm water began to come out of it, steam beginning to get in the room as you did so. With that you proceeded to get into the shower, feeling the hot water against your body as you grabbed a sponge and began to push some soap into your skin, cleaning the sweat off you but you soon felt your blood run cold when you heard a single word behind you.

“Anon.” The voice ran out across the bathroom, your entire back going straight as you didn’t respond, assuming that you had merely been hearing things as you began to feel a hand up against your shoulder. The hand felt like a woman’s hand and seemed to be sticky and wet in nature as well as smooth, with you looking to your shoulder to see that a black hand laid on your shoulder. “Anon. I know that you can see me, Anon.” The voice Said with you noticing that it was distinctly feminine as it rested its other appendage on your chest, the limb itself being some kind of tentacle which began to move up and down your chest, massaging it before moving down to your cock, flicking and teasing it.

As this happened you noticed that its tentacle nub began to split off into five different points, initially thin at first before fattening up into a full hand, the fingers flicking and pushing against your cock. The rest of the tentacle then proceeded to structure itself into an arm, a joint building up in it as you heard more gooey shifting and twisting sounds before the voice began to speak again. “Come on anon, you know you want to turn around and see who’s here.” The voice said, sounding distinctly more clear as it stroked and pressed at your cock, with you giving in to your curiosity and turning around to face whatever this creature was, your eyes widening as you saw its form in front of you.

It seemed to be a large amount of goo that had gained sentience, not unlike that, you had seen at your workplace with this one seemingly taking the form of what is best thought a woman looked like. You first looked up to her head, the woman having imprints of eyes, a nose and a mouth on its face with long gooey hair moving across its back and around its ears, the hair growing more clear as it went down the body, the ears themselves being large and sticking out of the hair. You then looked down to her chest seeing a pair of large breasts which were dripping goo down onto the bath with small nipples being seen on them, the woman’s curvy body moving down to her legs. Her legs were also thick, the thighs themselves nearly touching which was when the legs ended, the woman’s pussy is in full display and view to you.

“My, My, Anon. If you keep staring then I may think that you want to do something.” She said with a chuckle as she moved her hands over to your neck, hanging her sludge dripping arms on your shoulders as she did so. “I followed you all the way home, you know that? Through the streets and the roads on the back of your car.” She said to you, looking into your eyes with her own as she did so, her gaze captivating you. “I fell in love with you the first time I saw you, Anon. You look and your body was just so captivating to me. I want you, Anon, to breed me. Make me bear your children, Anon.” She Said, much to your shock.

This was when you felt your dick start to get hard between you both, a smile moving across her gooey face as moved her body closer and closer to you, her breasts pressing against your chest as she did so. She then opened up her mouth, bits of sludge sticking to the top of her mouth as she began to form a tongue, moving so her lips were quickly pressing against your own. You then felt her tongue move right into your mouth and began to wrap around your tongue, both of you moaning as you moved into a kiss which grew more and makes passionate as time went on, eventually ending when she pulled away, covering your mouth in black sludge as you panted.

With that your cock was at full hardness and as such you quickly grabbed ahold of her ass and began to raise her upwards somewhat, pushing her gooey waist onto your abdomen, a pleased moan coming from her mouth. “Mmmph, Anon, you’ve suddenly become more open to the idea.” She said with a chuckle as you groped her ass for a bit, hearing as she groaned, looking down at you with a smirk. You then began to continue to raise her upwards above your cock, using your finger to spread her pussy outwards before you quickly slammed her down onto your cock, both of you moaning in the process.

The feeling of her pussy around your cock was like nothing you had felt before, her inner walls being super smooth and super tight, making a near watertight seal against your cock in the process. You would stay inside of her for several seconds, getting used to the tight, alien feeling against your crotch before you pulled back from her waist, breathing out slightly as you did so, feeling the tightness move down your cock in the process. You could only manage to get your cock three fourths the way out of her pussy, pushing your fingers deep into her thick, sludgy asscheeks before you promptly slammed yourself back inside, both of you moaning as you did so.

You could feel her tits pressing against your chest as you thrusted in and out of her, feeling them rubbing against you as you moved one of your hands up to her back and moved your hand over to her breast. With that you began to rub at her breast, pushing your palm into her gooey nipples, pushing up and down it as you then dig your fingers onto them, feeling her soft breasts in your hand as you did so. She began to moan and with that her hips began to move in their own, very slowly moving back until she slammed back down into your hips before you smirked, beginning to know your hips faster than beforehand.

Your hips began pushing and slapping sounds coming from between her hips, goo dripping off your own as you felt her pussy tighten against you more and more, making the situation all the more pleasurable. You opened your mouth to moan and before you knew it you felt her tongue shove itself inside of your own, the gooey thing wrapping around it, her hand grasping at your hair as she did so. You began to kiss her back, making it about ten times as passionate as the last time you kissed her, your tongues fighting against each other as her tongue moved around your teeth while your hips slapped against her waist.

Eventually, you pulled away again as she let out another moan, looking into her eyes as you pounded against her pussy, groaning and moaning as lewd slapping sounds echoed across the bathroom as you did so. You groped her ass and her tits harder then beforehand, feeling the soft flesh move in your hand like it was nothing, some of it even coming off on your hands as you felt her pussy continue to get smoother. It was getting smooth because she wanted you to go faster out of pure instinct, getting tighter as well so you would have to pull back from her harder and harder than before, smiling as began to go even faster.

With that she was moaning and panting like crazy, glops of black goo dripping down onto your neck as she rested her head on your shoulders, your cock moving so fast she could barely have enough time to control her pussy. Her arms were wrapped around you and her fingers were digging into your back, the woman beginning to speak between her moans. “I-I love you so much, A-Anon!” She moaned out with you replied with a messy kiss on her neck, moving your tongue up and down the liquid as she clenched against you some more, your hands digging into her as you felt a pressure build-up at your tip.

As the pressure began to build up inside of your cock as it began to throb, the woman’s walls feeling as you throbbed against them, the walls pushing and flexing against your cock which made it even harder to hold in. “Come on, Anon, breed me! Make me pregnant!” She said as you throbbed more and more, clenching your teeth as you felt her clench against you, the pressure getting worse and worse by the second. Eventually, the pressure got all too much for you and with the last slam inside of her, you began to cum inside of her, hearing her moan and feeling her fingers press against your back in the process as the first shot pushed deep inside of her.

As the first shot pushed out into the back of her pussy you felt as it clenched right against your cock to the point that you couldn’t move out of it, shot after shot pushing out of it in the process. You could see the cum beginning to fog up her insides as each shot got bigger and bigger, the biggest taking your breath away for a moment before your orgasm started to go down. The ropes of cum began to get slower and slower as she moaned more and more, the last couple ropes pushing up against her walls before you stopped, pushing your back against the wall as sweat began to fall down his body, your sludgy lover looking satisfied.

“Mmmph, so full, so warm! You’ve done well, Anon!” She moaned out happily as she pulled away from your hips, smirking as she did so, feeling as your cock fell out of her pussy as cum and black sludge dripped down onto the floor. You panted in the shower as you got up off the wall, the newly produced sweat being washed off your body as she looked at you lovingly, slowly moving off the shower and into the outside of the shower. “Get dried, Anon. I’ll be waiting in our bed for you.” She Said as she moved away into the bedroom, leaving you in the shower as you grabbed ahold of your soap and continued to wash, knowing that your life had just had a new and exciting turn.


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