Licker rimming story

 The subway was always a rather dangerous place between the several stabbing that had occurred over the past couple months and the vagrants that were everywhere who were either drunk, high of several dangerous substances or were institutionally insane but you had never heard of something quite like this. Over about a week or so people had started to find corpses in the late hours of the nights, almost all of them either being placed onto the tracks which got the corpses eviscerated by the train and were nearly hanging off the train tracks, with you even finding a couple on your late-night cleaning shift. The corpses were often found with large claws marks over the course in several parts of the body including the chest and the threat as well as several of them having broken bones with a massive amount of spit being attached to the limbs, to the point that they were dripping with the sticky substance.

At first, people had just assumed that this was some kind of wild beast that had infiltrated the subway but as the corpses came there was more evidence that things were living inside of an abandoned part of the subway. The part had been cordoned off and abandoned for years as a result of the Raccoon City incident, the city getting nuked after an outbreak of a virus that turned people into horrible monsters. In theory, the only way the creatures could survive the nuke would be by hiding within the subway which it seemed that a certain creature did, the footage from outside of the blockage revealing the creature in its full, skinless form,  the creature being known as the licker.

The Lickers are brought to life by the V-Act process where a dormant strain of T-virus is reactivated when the body is near death, causing great mutations within the body which have led to the genesis of the Licker. The Licker itself was one of the first of these mutations to be discovered during the Raccoon City outbreak and between nuked out corpses and corpses that were displayed in museums. If the Licker was inside of that area of a facility which would mean that this would be the first case of a Licker being found alive in five years, the train company wanting to keep it silenced since even hinting that a Bioweapon was inside of your business would lead to a legal and military Hell.

As such, they demanded that every single employee be equipped with a pistol and two clips of ammo so that you could kill the creature if you could see it, as well as moving the offices to a different building so they could stuff the bodies in it for collection. Right now you were working on cleaning up the downtown area of the train station, this area being the one that was dangerously close to the raccoon city subway station, the next stop of the train is the closest to the blockade. As the doors opened on the train you could see that the station was abandoned as ever as no one wanted to work and live near the nuked out city that could still be filled with biohazardous material.

You walked onto the platform and heard the train doors shut behind you, the train slowly moving away with its carriages being as empty as the station was, with you placing your bucket in the ground and got to work. Even though the platform was never used it was covered in more filth and much than ones that were, mainly because of all the rats and other creatures that lived there. You began to scrub at the floor with your mop, seeing as the dirty ground slowly became white again with varying black and brown liquids sticking off the mop head, with you getting about halfway across the platform before you noticed a suspicious red liquid resting at the end of the platform.

You quickly placed the mop into the bucket and walked towards the stain, revealing that it was blood as you had suspected, the source of said blood being unknown as you noticed that there was a dripping trail from and the main stain. Grabbing hold of your gun you decided to follow the trail, hesitating before taking a step forward and slowly moving to the back of the platform to reveal that it had led to a door of some kind. The door seemed to be a controller door for one of the backup train controllers, the large metal door that had to be reinforced to people couldn’t just break through the door but the reinforcement had done nothing against the door, the dents sticking out of it as it was pushed slightly ajar.

You moved in front of the door and braced yourself, kicking it open with one swift kick, the metal door hitting against the wall as you pointed your gun around the place, slamming your hand onto the light switch, the dormant lights slowly flashing to life to reveal a grisly sight. The entire room was covered in blood as if it was painted in it, bits of stomach or flesh hanging from the walls as bones littered the blanket of red with white. You couldn’t even figure out what the creature was before it was eviscerated which only made you more on edge, with you stepping into the blood as you got ready to shoot what was inside, a smashed window at the end of the room getting the most of your attention.

As you walked across the room and to the window you could hear the sounds of scampering and growling as whatever had done this moved freely, with you pointing your gun at wherever a sound came out of. As you reached the windows the sounds of growing and grunting became louder and louder as well as the sound of spit being swallowed more and more. You turned away from the window to see if there was anywhere else it could have hidden in which soon proved to be a mistake as you heard the sounds of something coming out of somewhere wet, running around to see a tentacle sized tongue coming out of something, the tongue dripping with drool before it tried to hit at you.

It knocked the gun out of your hand, hitting it against the wall and shattering it out of pure force, with you looking back to see the tentacle quickly wrap around your neck as you began to hear the crawling sounds again, the creature revealing itself to be a Licker like everyone had said it was, the creature somehow more terrifying than the descriptions of it entailed. The creature lacked all skin which exposed crimson red muscle, with you looking up to its face to see that it had a maw of Sharp tech which was home to its tongue, the creature's eyes being gone and replaced with an oversize brain that was bulging out of its skull. The creature had bones coming out of its shoulders and back, showing off its spine as it peeled its long claws against the ground, seeing a massive pair of breasts hanging from its chest as it crawled. It walked on its toes, the bony nails scraping against the ground as the creature began to pant and growl at you.

You tried to wiggle out of the creature's grasp, pushing your hands onto its tongue as it moved closer and closer, slamming you onto the ground as it moved right over your body, drool dripping down its mouth as it did so. It raised its claws in the air and for a brief second, you thought you were dead before its claws slammed down onto your clothes, slowly scraping down them as if it was playing with its prey. You could hear the ripping of your clothes before its hands stepped just before reaching your trousers, quickly grabbing ahold of the strips of clothes that remained before tearing them off as well, exposing your bare chest which it then began to lick a couple of times before moving away from it.

The creature then began to start slashing at your trousers as the claws pushed down your clothes, slowly and eventually slashing them to smithereens as she felt the spit drip off your chest. Eventually, all that was left of both your underwear and trousers were just thin strips of fabric, grabbing a hold of it and pulling him away piece by piece before your cock came flying out of it, her tongue sliver down your leg and onto your cock. The drool that dripped off the tongue was warm and sticky, slowly slipping and dripping down your length as she pushed up and down it to make it harder than it was before, the creature moaning slightly as you also moaned out. 

However, before you could realise what would have happened, the woman whipped her tongue away from your cock before flicking downwards with the woman then grabbing you by the thighs. She yanked up against your thighs to get you onto your feet, the woman then pushing up against the wall face first, her hands riding against your thighs before moving up your legs. She eventually moved her hands up to your crotch, the woman quickly moving a couple of her fingers moved up against your cock. Her fingers were smooth yet strong, the woman seems to be teasing you before she wrapped her hands around your cock fully as you felt her warm breath move up against your ass.

Her tongue then flicked up against your legs before she began to flick it against your ass, with you looking down as you felt her hands move up your cock some more as she began lapping and pressing up against your ass. This made a warm, sticky feeling begin to move up against your ass, making you grunt and moan as she would do so with animalistic glee. You tried to move away from her hand somewhat as she quickly licked and pushed at your ass, the woman digging her fingers into your thighs before pushing you back in place, this act of defiance seemingly making her a bit kris heated then she was before and as she began to make her go faster then she had beforehand.

Her hand was moving faster and faster against Your cock, her claws wrapping around one another as you could feel her muscles flexing in your palm which only added to the pleasure you were feeling. After she had managed to maintain her pace on your cock she began to increase her pace against your ass, more of her tongue letting out her mouth as she began to push and flicked up against your cheeks some more. Her tip especially was moving around your asshole, teasing and playing with it as she heard you moan and groan, the woman thrusting her hips slightly as her other hand moved to your balls.

Her hands cupped your balls within her palm, her fingers beginning to move up and down your sack before she quickly began to move and massage against them as she did so, making you groan even more. At this point, you could feel her lean against your body, her massive breasts resting against your legs which made sure that she could keep you upright at all times. She would move her digits against your balls, moving up them before moving back down, her other hand also beginning to massage against the tip of your cock, making you groan and moan as her tongue started to go even faster.

You could feel it whipping up and down your ass whilst her tip pushed and rubbed against your asshole, making it clench and press against it as she breathed quickly and heavily.  Her hand massages your tip whenever she would move up to it, grinding up against her palm as she rubbed your balls some more, charging technique a couple of seconds later. She quickly pushed and rubbed up against them, going much faster than beforehand, groping and rubbing at it as she felt up against your veins and tubes, her other hand beginning to run up against your veins on your penis.

At that moment you could feel your cock begin to throb inside of her grip, your orgasm approaching just as quick as her hands were moving across your body and genitals. Her tongue was now circling your ass like an animal, breathing and panting heavily as you felt her drool drip down onto your ass, the woman seemingly getting more and more excited as you got closer and closer to cumming. Eventually, you could feel the pressure that was building up at the tip of your cock got too much for you, with you letting out one last moan as you began to cum, feeling as her tongue moves from your ass and onto the tip, surrounding it.

You could feel the first shot of cum push out of your cock and pressed against her tongue, the woman moaning as she felt the salty-tasting liquid that was pouring out of the tip of your cock. You could feel like more and more cum poured out of your cock and onto her tongue and mouth, the cum covering the wet organ, with you grabbing a hold of the wall as to get some balance. Eventually, your orgasm did come to an end as it got slower and less powerful, the last couple of loads dripping off onto her tongue, both of you sighing out in pleasure as you rested against the wall, sweat dripping across your body

With that, her tongue withdrew from your cock and slammed itself against the wall before slivering back into her fanged maw, with you turning around and pressing your back against the wall as you waited for her next move. Shockingly she didn't seem too interested now that she had eaten your cum, licking her lips a couple of times before she crawled off into the darkness, leaving you alone to your thoughts. At that moment you didn’t know if you should go after it with your gun whilst it was pacified but you had quickly thought against it, grabbing ahold of your gun and beginning to look around the place for a new set of clothes, now knowing you had a new food source to give the licker.


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