Robot woman story


  1. The sound of your motorcycles engine revving echoed underneath you, the smell of oil and rust hitting your nose as you drove through the city of new Detroit, looking up into the sky for a brief moment before you realised that this couldn’t see anything, the pair of rifles on your back rubbing up against your neck. It had been a long while since the sun was ever able to set upon this city, the smog above long eclipsing the star that shone down, coming from the many factories and burning piles of metal that was happening due to the civil unrest going down around you. The era of giving robots thoughts and minds were good at first with it even leading to your birth as Officer Designation A-N0NYM0U5, one of the first robotic officers ever allowed onto the police force and the last Officer alive from the A designation, the lone rider of which had seen the city fall from what it once was.
  3. At first, things were peaceful between mankind and robotkind, the grand majority welcoming the robots as family members, lovers, fellow workers that all want the same thing. However, a small majority of humans thought that Robots were inferior and a Few robots felt the same about humans which came to a highlight when A-51M0V, one of your fellow officers, was shot and killed on live TV which had lead to the divide between robot and human widening, especially in new Detroit. Now the morgues have been full since last December and the scrap yards and been burning up robotic corpses so much the sky was ashen black, your brain going back to some of the horrors that you had seen.
  5. You had seen men and robots impaled upon spears, crucified upon crosses and hung by wires and cable because they had simply wandered into the wrong part of the city, with the north being for the humans and the south for the robots. This had left a stretch of bridges and factories in the middle, a twenty-mile long no man’s land where no crime could be policed until now, with you being the only one who would patrol the region of rust. As such most of mankind and robotkind hated you, the humans seeing as poking your head in a place where it did not belong whilst the robots viewing you as a traitor but simply did what had to do what had to be done, to ride into the flames of hell and come out to tell the tale.
  7. Right now you were on the way to a warehouse where Robots were stockpiling nuclear material, with you looking down at the screen on your motorcycle saying you were about two minutes away, with that being just a slight bit slower than you wanted. You slammed down on the pedal again, feeling as the air moved by your synthetic skin and nerves as the time went down to a minute, seeing the warehouse in the distance in the process. The gate was locked with the thick chain, pulling the Rifle out of your back and placing it on the side of the motorcycle and pulling the trigger once you had got close enough, the light of the gun flashing against your eyes as the lock was blown to pieces.
  9. You could feel as the shrapnel and heat moved past your face as it became apparent that you had caught their attention, with you moving the rifle into full auto as you did so. They raised their guns and shot at you, the bullets moving by your body and hitting your bike a couple of times, with you moving the bike in a Zig-Zag pattern as you pressed the trigger and fired upon the robotic guards. They didn’t have enough time to shoot back, the bullets ripping through the iron like it was tin, turning the wires into solder as you sped past their corpses, with you hearing as the motorcycle clicked before you drove right onto the centre of the robot gang, jumping off it and landing right in the middle of them, the motorcycle taking out a couple of robots in the process.
  11. You quickly grabbed the second rifle off your back as they either looked on in shock or grabbed ahold of their weapons before you turned it into full auto and started to turn all around you into solder. The bullets started to rain across the sides of the room, riddling the group of robotic soldiers with lead, with you being able to watch as about twelve or so robots fell to the ground, the barrels of your gun smoking as the one you had used to blast the lock open ran out of ammo. You turned to see a couple more of them rise out of the higher levels, with you shooting with the other rifle before that one clicked, desperately wanting to shoot something but not having enough ammo too.
  13. You quickly ran back behind some cover as you heard the sounds of bullets rain out from above you, hitting the lead crate you were hiding behind and letting chips of lead fell onto your skull. You clicked the clip off your gun and threw it behind you, hearing as the robots shot at it as you put some more ammo in the gun, putting one of the guns above the box and shooting at those above you, hearing the sound of the bullets hitting the wall and hearing the robots hitting the ground. You pulled out of the box and put a good spread of bullets onto the wall in the opposite, riddling the rest of the robots with bullets in the process, seeing as the barrels of the guns smoked against them again.
  15. You thought that it was over as you stood looking at the destruction around you until you saw as two red lights loomed over you, with you getting ready to shoot at it as you turned around, your eyes widening as you saw what it was. It was what could be best described as a giant robotic woman, your eyes moving up to her head to meet with those glowing red eyes of hers, the rest of her face is made out of metal which made it a slight bit uncanny to look at. Her thick wire hair hung down to her breast which was highlighted by dark metal around the rest of her body is made out of light grey metal. A pussy was nestled between her legs, dripping slightly as you tried to gauche her height, with her being about triple the size of you, with you looking across her joints and her other parts with admiration as they moved around slightly.
  17. “IDENTITY: OFFICER. DESIGNATION: TRIAL BY COMBAT. CONDITIONS: IF YOU SURVIVE FIVE MINUTES THEN YOU SHALL LIVE. TRIAL: STARTED.” She Said as she raised her hands into the air as she looked over you, with you quickly realising that you had to move out of the wall, rolling out at just the right time to dodge her fists slamming into the ground. You could see the concrete and metal move up onto the air as she slammed down, her hands leaving quite the crater as she raised her hands, with you trying to shoot her whole you had the chance, with the bullets reflecting off her metal body as if she was built out of anti-tank armour.
  19. This made you realise that you had to dodge her attacks until you either had to beat her or until you found a gun strong enough to destroy her, seeing as a metal fist came flying towards you, digging into the wall and pulling out to reveal a large hole. The next five minutes consisted of the most work your joints had been through in a while, feeling as the air moving past your skin with the near hits, with most of the hits breaking something in the room with the walls having holes in them and most the floor being rubble. You looked upon her as she raised her fist into the air again, trying to calculate a hit against the floor before stopping completely moving her arms to her side.
  21. “TRIAL TIME HAS ELAPSED. OFFICER HAS PASSED THE TRIAL. PLEASE RECEIVE YOUR REWARD.” She Said as she stood above you before moving down onto her metallic ass, with you looking at her confused as she wondered what the reward even was, the robot rolling her eyes slightly before she spoke again. “CLARIFICATION: THE REWARD IS ME. PLEASE RECEIVE YOUR REWARD.” She Said as your eyes widened, with you not wanting to get involved as she spread her legs deciding to walk over to your back as you heard the sounds of her joints beginning to move. You then felt as your body was grabbed by a metal hand, two long fingers moving across your shoulders before you were lifted off your feet quickly being slammed into the ground, dust moving above you like a pair of red lights pierced through the dust.
  23. “DO NOT ATTEMPT TO RUN. YOU SHALL RECEIVE YOUR REWARD. YOU HAVE ONE CHANCE TO SUBMIT.” She Said as you tried to wiggle out of her grasp, looking up to see if you could escape or not before she moved her fingers to each of your limbs, pinning you to the floor. “CHANCE FAILED, REWARD SHALL BE APPLIED BY FORCE.” She Said as she grabbed a hold of your trousers and ripped them off with ease, the sound of the fabric being torn to pieces of your leg echoing out, leaving you in your underwear. She then moved up to your underwear, pushing up against your trousers for a couple of seconds before pulling away at them, leaving you half-naked as your cock felt the cold air of the wind.
  25. “ANALYSIS INDICATES THAT GIVING ORAL INTERCOURSE WILL ALLOW FOR THE LEAST LIKELIHOOD OF ESCAPE. PLEASE COMPLY.” She Said as she moved you around in her hand as she kneeled on the floor, probably so that could balance herself on it. You could feel as you tried to move your legs to cover up your cock onto to have her move your legs out of the way with her thumb and pinky finger, slowly moving you up to her mouth as she did so, opening it and licking it with her robotic tongue. The thing was dripping with a mixture of lube and oil, the sticky black liquid dripping onto her jaw as she moved the tongue around, the tongue itself having several ridges and ribs across it.
  27. Before you could react in any way to stop her from sucking you off her smooth metal lips had wrapped around her mouth, her mouth pushing out with warmth like the metal against a car engine, the oil and lube pushing against your cock in the process. The whole sensation was starting to make your cock go hard, with it being more due to your programming than anything else, the tongue pushing up against your cock in the process. The tongue was smooth, smoother than the metal on her face, each ridge pushing up against the edges of your cock, digging into your nerves and making you moan as she lubed you up, keeping you still so you couldn’t escape your reward.
  29. That was when she started to move herself up and down your cock, the woman slowly moving her head backwards and dragging your cock across her smooth lips before you heard her neck joints click into a sudden stop. You then heard them click again before moving back up your cock, her nose hitting up against your chest as her lips pressed up against your waist. The feeling of the heat of her exhaust brushed up against your body before moving away again, the gears and the joints within her neck beginning to slowly loosen up the joints gradually getting smoother and smoother until those juts were no more and were replaced with the smooth swings of the head.
  31. After she had managed to loosen her neck joints was when she started to go faster against you, her wire hair soon moving against her back and her shoulders as she moved up and down, causing you to moan some more. You could feel yourself shaking against her less and less, mainly due to the pleasure that was moving through your body, your eyes catching her own as she sucked you off, the lights seeming like they were slightly more lustful than beforehand. The roof of her mouth was dripping as well, the oil that was oozing out of it covering your cock whilst some parts of it moved out of her mouth and down her chin, with you placing your hand right where one of the drops fell onto.
  33. Her tongue as well as growing to have more of a technique to it as well, going from simply lashing up against the cock to slowly curling and pressing up against the tip of it with the tip of her tongue, the segment having a rounded tip that dug onto your sensitive spots. Your hands scratched and twitched against her head, the feeling into the oil and lube leaking down onto your hand making your life it away and flick some off as placed your hand back onto her, with you grabbing ahold of some of her hair by accident and tugging on it, grunting out as you felt her stop for a brief moment, her eyes briefly lidding before they went back to her lifeless expression.
  35. That was when you triggered something inside of her, her tongue going wildly as you felt her tongue begin to whip around your cock like a wind turbine, liquid slathering all over her mouth and teeth. Her head began to move faster and faster, the sounds of the wheels and belts moving before smoothly stopping and moving back again which meant she was practically headbutting you with each length she went up to your cock. At this point you were moaning like crazy, the sounds of her joints and your moans echoed out of the ruined warehouse and out into the street behind you.
  37. At that moment you felt as your cock began to throb as fluid built up against the tip of your cock, with you trying to keep yourself from cumming inside of her mouth in the process. Like most of the experience, you soon realised that this was going to be futile to fight against as she seemed to keep picking up speed, your fingers clutching at her hair and the metal of her cheeks in the process. Eventually, the feeling of the pressure at the tip of your penis was too much for you to handle, with you clutching down one more time as you felt the first load escape your cock, cum shooting into the back of her mouth as her gears ground to a stop at the base.
  39. Shot after shot came out of your cock and splattering all over her mouth and tongue, the woman letting her hums and moans as she swallowed it all down her throat, seeing as it moved slightly in the process. You must have been cumming for about half a minute or so, each shot getting more and more intense until the last ten seconds, which was where it began to pitter off. As you felt the last couple of drops drip off your cock and onto her tongue, with you feeling her hot breath against yourself as she began to pull away from you, oil and cum dripping out of her face as she let your now dripping wet cock out, looking over you as she did so.
  41. “REWARD GIVEN. MISSION COMPLETE. NEW OBJECTIVE: FIND NEW CHALLENGER.” She Said as she placed you onto the ground, with you looking up at her as she left, completely shocked by what had just occurred, the woman simply walking away into the smog as you pondered to herself. It didn’t see, that she was allied with the criminals so there was no point of you trying to chase her around yet you couldn’t help but wonder if she would make a good ally as you placed your underwear and trousers back on, clicking the guns to your back as you went to your motorcycle with a smile. You had a few more places to go too, warehouses, fuel depots, weapons stores but when all of that was done you were going to find her again and challenge her once more.
  43. After all, you did love a good fight.


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