
Showing posts from July, 2024

Going Primal (Rajang)

 You had been a monster hunter for a few years now, wandering around the many, many biomes that the monsters had been seen in and slaying loads of them, feeling as your blade would cut right through the flesh of many a beast and then coming back home with all the loot from scales to various things the beasts were hallways through digesting. You glanced up into the air to see that the sun was pushing down against the stones you had been walking around in, the already warm gorge feeling even warmer due to the heat, some sweat moving across your body somewhat as you’d glance around the area for a certain couple of monsters that were lurking around for you. Of course, usually you weren’t looking around as much as you were now, especially given the fact that you had gotten used to the area by now given you already had a few quests here but that was more the reason to keep searching around especially given that you knew what time of year that it was. It was mating season for the monsters aro

Ayatan part 2 (The family Entrati)

  It had been a while since you had been under the command of the family and everything had been going pretty well despite the fact that you hadn’t ever gotten used to the world outside of Duviri although you had done a hell of a lot of adapting to get used to it even if you had a place to stay and allies despite everything. It all had started when you tried to escape Dominus Thrax which got off a bad start when you got yourself stabbed and a hand was absorbed into your own, letting you escape the mad king that was ruling over the entire area, a whole lot of people dying in the process as you went and claimed the throne, using it to revive your friend who let you escape the walls of the void, giving you a universe to explore and allowing the actual flow of time to hit you. The next issue was that you didn’t actually have a clue about what to do next, simply drifting around from planet to planet, encountering all sorts of abominations as you would do so before you’d reach a area known a

The Lamb (Mastêmâ)

  “And the chief of the spirits, Mastêmâ, came and said: 'Lord, Creator, let some of them remain before me, and let them harken to my voice, and do all that I shall say unto them; for if some of them are not left to me, I shall not be able to execute the power of my will on the sons of men; for these are for corruption and leading astray before my judgment, for great is the wickedness of the sons of men.' - Jubilees 10:8. You stood before the first site of what would be many, your eyes glancing up at the doors and windows from where you were standing, your heart beating in your chest in a way that you could only fault the instincts of your body then the feelings of your soul which were concrete that what you’d do tonight would be the will of the divine. For years how you had been trying to find out the reason why that gun jammed the one night that you had put it to the head, why god's hands would reach out and change your fate in such a drastic manner but a couple of nights

Wild things (OC)

  You had always been defending your property from nature for years now, fasting your fair share of wolves, coyotes and even the occasional bear from time to time although the bears were way more difficult to kill, seemingly taking bullets like they were made out of metal, chasing you no matter how many holes you had placed in them. However, you had been able to fight them off much easier then you had done nowadays now that you had a companion by the side, that companion going by the name of Thurga and being a beast of unknown species with you still not having figured out what the hell she was with the woman being best described as  a mixture of a lizard and a wolf. Thinking about her would make you think back to the time that you had found her in the first place, remembering that it was a summer night with the sun setting and the sky turning a crisp orange when you heard some growling and screeching from the woods,taking you off guard somewhat. You would walk inside and grab ahold of