
You’re hardly undressed without a smile (Smiler)

  You didn’t know how to describe the smell of nothing before now but since you had gone venturing into this place, the entire place smelling like a vague mold and damp as well as most places here having a absence of smell about it which added to how strange this entire place was as you kept glancing around. You’d best describe the backrooms of a segment of reality that was built to keep you inside of it until you died although it provided you with plenty of opportunities to live despite all of this, the halls being never ending and only getting stranger and stranger the more that you walked so you had walked to as close to the middle as you could get,even if there were some beasts that lurked around the area. As such you moved into one of the middle areas, the cream carpet having long since matted whilst the yellow walls wallpaper was somewhat damped filled, coming off the walls to reveal more wallpaper as harsh lights shone upon your body. Either way you had gone about building an ou

Slumber part 4 (OC)

  Sandra had always been alone as long as she could remember which was a pretty long time given that she was a ghost but she was hardly expecting someone to come waltzing into her life, let alone a person that was willing to treat her like a lover since most people were scared of even looking at her. That’s why she was so lucky to have you walking into her life, buying out the building that she had made her residence in, ghosts don’t have to pay rent or anything like that anyways, and not greeting her with the usual screaming and running out of the building and instead having a strange sense of certainty about her and talking to her instead, the woman being happy she had finally had someone to snuggle up and talk about movies with. From there she felt her feelings starting to escalate for you, going from viewing you as a friend to viewing you as something much more than that but she didn’t try and follow through on them at first, fearing that you’d reject her since she wasn’t exactly h

In the palm of her hand (SCP-401)

  The US government has many secrets that most people didn’t know about but the most well hidden was the fact that death row never actually put anyone to death and that all those executions that you had seen since the 1970s were simply faked to avoid the truth getting out to the public. You knew first hand about this as you had been sentenced to death a couple of months ago due to the fact you were part of a robbery that had gone horribly wrong, accidentally ramming into a oil tanker that was coming out of a intersection and blowing up a entire section of the highway, killing a dozen and a half people and leaving you the only survivor of the group which meant you were a scapegoat for the entire thing. After a long trail you were put to death and moved to the local holding facility before a group of men who resembled a highly militarized riot police who took you into a windowless van and shutting the door behind you, leading you on a several hour drive back to the new location which you